Sunday, October 12, 2003

awake again...

What is it about 2:30 AM that wakes me up every night? I thought it must be Donna getting up to go, but she is on a visit home in Ellensburg this weekend, so It isn't her. I dunno. A storm is blowing through so maybe that is what woke me up. The wind is blowing at around 40 MPH and the wind chimes are really banging in the tree. I LOVE to listen to them. I have 5 of them hanging in various places around my yard. (I know Leslie, you hate them.) Maybe it is the rain pelting against the side of the house, that woke me. What ever it was, it has my full attention, as I can't get back to sleep.

In case you are wondering about the weird colors on the blog, do not fear, I was just playing to see if I could actually change colors with this HTML Crap. I did it!! I am looking for the right area to stick my links into, and wanted to see what would happen if i plugged in another color number. I will be changing it again. If not back to the way it was, at least to a more readable print.

Sadie is sleeping soundly...and I hope she stays that way, too windy and nasty to take her out there right now. SHe is getting sooo big soo fast. I have had her for 1 month today, and I swear she has tripled in size. She is really giving the cats a run for their money now. Her and Loki are two yellow streaks running through the house, sometimes it is hard to see who is chasing who. Ethel is a real bitch and just sits there and whacks at her and growls. But then she is the Grand Dame of the house. My oldest pet now, and she is 10 years old. Oh wait...My SOn's cat Lint is older. I forgot. He is 12 or 13. I inheirited him when Errant Son was incarsarated. He is out now, but I still have the Cat. Funny how that works. Well at least they aren't leaving me KIDS!! just pets.

Well, the sandman must have been by because I have really scratchy eyes, so Maybe I can get back to sleep before it is time to get up. See ya...

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