Weatherman says we are s’posed to have 1-3 inches of snow tomorrow. First snow of the year if in fact we do get it. We usually get all excited and phffftttt, Nothing. If we do get a snow it is usually gone in a day or two. Big snows mean its gonna rain right on top of it, because the cold air from the gulf of Alaska has met the pineapple express laden with lots of rain from Hawaii, right over the Puget Sound region. The two combine at first and dump snow, and then the Pineapple express warms up the frigid Alaskan air, and it all turns to rain, and melts it all into mud puddles. Nasty ugly dirty mud puddles. The road sand that the Dept of Transportation has diligently dumped on all of the major hiways and main arterial roads, to help with traction, is mostly dirty grit, and it gets all over your car. And all over your windshield, and generally makes for icky driving until it all dries up and blows over to the side of the road.
So this morning after I finished my afghan, I got dressed, and planned my day. Bob came over just at the right time, so I had him help me load up the wood box, and make sure I had enough close to the house so that I would not freeze if the power goes out. Then I went into the Farmer’s supply store, (Cenex) and bought bird seed, and bunny litter, and sunflower seeds for Lola, then off to pay my car insurance, and off to the scrapbook store to lay in supplies for the big snow.
I got home, and watched the news, and then as I was sitting here at the computer, Sadie ran up and jumped at my lap with her front feet, then headed to the office door, and barked, and then did it again very urgently, so I knew she had to pottie bad. I got up and started towards the back door, and she was not following so I went back and sat down. Again she came in and jumped at my legs and barked like “come on! Come On!!” so I followed her, and she ran right to the rug in front of the woodstove sat in front of it and barked as if to say “ok, Mom build the damn FIRE!!!” I did, Sadie and four cats are now stacked like cord wood all in a row, asleep in front of a nice cozy fire, while I am now in the office working on the computer.
Damn sassy critters!
UPDATE: Wrote this last night, and as usual, no snow!! It was dumping big time big flakes at 230 this morning, but I guess It switched to rain after I went back to sleep. Now there is nothing. Just wet and cold and sun breaks.
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