YAY!!!! I'm Finished with it!!!! My mother started this afghan the year before she died, and did not finish it. She did the aquares in the middle. Donna, started a pink afghan about 10 years ago, got bored with it and gave all the squares to me. I took the beige yarn and finished Donna's squares, and then hooked them all on to Mom's portion. I was bound and determined that I would finish it. And this morning I finally DID!! got all the fringe hooked on about 30 minutes ago.
It feels really good to have a project actually finished!! As you can tell, we are a multi-generational bunch of procrastinators. I have made several afghans in my life, but have always given them away, so this one is staying right here!! I can think of nothing better than to be sitting by the wood stove wrapped in something that was made by the hands of two women that I loved most in my life!! My Mom and my Daughter!
AHHHHHHHHHHHH Big sigh of relief here........
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