Mr. nut and the gang
Today was a cold and really drippey day in the Pacific Northwest, Monkey P. Nutt decided that even though the rest of us were up at the crack of doawn, he really wanted to stay all snuggled in his box/bed. I will let him skate until tomorrow.
Bob and I went window shopping at the outlet mall. I had no money, so could not buy a thing. THe Mikasa store was a real challenge. I could spend TONS of money in there! walked out empth handed and went to Michael's craft store. I forgot that I was NEVER gonna take Bob in there again!!! He just embarrasses me so much. He goes down an aisle, (not with me) and then I can hear him hooting all over the store. Laughing at some gizmo or another, and talking to me over the fixtures, YUK YUK YUK what do you use this for? YUK YUK YUK usually followed by a very rude crass remark with adult undertones. OH GOD!!! I am glad Monkey stayed home, he would have surely left and gone back to Yorkshire on the next plane.
While we were parking, the sky opened up and it literally DUMPED wet cold white stuff all over us. I cant really call it snow, too hard, but not hail, too soft, not rain, too solid and not snow too wet. just STUFF! which piled up on the roads and windows.
We came home and I built a fire while Bob played the STUPIDest DVD...Robots! unreal!!! After I had the fire built, and was trying to get my back popped in again, I looked at the throw rug in front of the stove. Yep there was 4 cats and Monkey all laid out like they were waiting to pass on. The picture is very bad, because my flash is not working correctly. It is way overexposed...but there is Monkey, and 4 cats all laying in front of the fire. Sadie had not butted in yet.
He will get to meet Phyllis tomorrow, SHe can take him to church and introduce him to her Pastor.
Have to go see what the ruckus is all about. THere are loud outside voices coming from the Fireplace area. Must be fighting over the warn rug. tsk tsk tsk.
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