Once again I have been sitting here for almost 50 minutes just trying to get blogger to open my edit posts so that I could get something written. This is just so frustrating. I really dont think it is Blogger at all, I think I have a very very sick computer. That would be my luck. I cant afford another one, and I certainly cant afford to have John come out here at 50-75.00 an hour to fix it. I think I have a spyware thingie going on, because all of a sudden about a week ago, things just skidded to a halt! I will connect at 115.2 (how I dont know when I only have a 56.6 modem.) but anyway I will connect and then FREEZE I can blogwalk, but everytime I try to go to someplace secure, POW!! Off I go, and then I can only connect at 52.0! huh? THis is all greek to me. I thought it might be something DOnna had installed, so I uninstalled all of her email and ISP-Q (OH MY!!) and got about a gigabyte freed up. I then was doing pretty good, but when it started to freeze yesterday I did a system restore and all of her files popped back. I think I need something that will scan my drives and get rid of all the superfluous shit, and give me a clean, fast, functioning computer!
I want to win the lotto so I can get my Lap top upgraded, and take everything off of it except windows XP and microsoft office. THat way I can use it just for blogging , and keep this one for all the creating I do. Photos etc.
DAMN but I hate being stoopid!! What I think is really frustrating is I am not Stupid, Actually I am fairly intelligent, and logical, and can actually be a grown up person when I have to be. I just HATE being helpless and BROKE! GRRRRR
Tonight was absolutely gorgeous out. THe moon was coming up behind Mt Baker as I was driving into Oak Harbor, and it was shining through the haze and fog and actually sending out reddish orange light, diffused by the clouds, so that it looked like the mountain was erupting. I knew it was not because Our volcanoes just erupt pahoehoe lava (thick and viscous and black) and not the fiery red aa Lava that looks like shooting embers. (impressed yet?) When I was driving home, the stars were out, the moon was bright overhead, but the temperature inversion was making fog form upside down! (from the sky downward) and it was all bright like a lit blanket. Almost made the ground look like it was covered with snow. It is sposed to freeze tonight, and all the fog will turn into black ice and make for a very slippery road bed. Glad I do not have to go anywhere.
Donna is sposed to be over here tomorrow to finish cleaning her room and gathering her gear and finish moving out. I doubt that she will though, She has everything of value, the rest is just stuff, and you know how kids have a tendency to leave things in a royal mess when they move out. Especially my GARAGE!!!
Well Let me see if I can get this posted in less than an hour. cross your fingers..
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