skipping rocks
Did you ever stand on a beach or a river bank and watch as your Dad or big brother looked down for a long time, finally picking up a rock and throw it into the water in such a way that it actually bounced off the water?
My Dad would skip stones all the time. When I was a little girl, he would do it, and I was in awe! I thought he was magic to get a rock to bounce on water. He would get me to try, not telling me his secret, and I would, only to be disappointed because mine would sink. JUST LIKE A ROCK! His would skip, JUST LIKE MAGIC.
It wasn't until years later, when I was on a beach with some other kids and one of the boys picked up a rock and bounced it magically just like Dad used to do!! I told him my Dad could do that too, and he said. "anybody can, you just have to find the right rock." He then showed me how to find the right rock, and showed me how to hold it and then throw it.
that summer, I spent every day at the beach across from my house skipping rocks with my friends. We would look for the right rocks, and then see who could skip them the farthest, fastest, most bounces, curved etc. I got quite good at it. I would look all morning for the flattest rock. Had to be flat, but still had to be small enough to fit in my hand just right and also big enough to have the heft to go the farthest. Several times I would stand at High tide and skip the rock, and then note where it landed, and go retrieve it at low tide.
To skip a stone, you have to have a flat rock, that would fit between your index finger and thumb, and touch the skin above your thumb. Then you had to curl the rest of your fingers into your palm, hold the rock top up, and lean over to the right side and do a side arm throw flicking your wrist just as you brought your arm forward and released the rock. The secret was all in the wrist action, much like throwing a curve ball or a slider.
I showed my young son how to skip rocks when he was about 8 years old. He thought I was magic too, but I just did not have the heart to tease him like my Dad did me. I showed him how to do it, and watched with wonder as the son I raised skipped his first rock. It was not a long skip at that time, but a skip it was, and the thrill that showed on that little boys face as he turned to me and said...I DID IT MOM!!!!!
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