Yes, indeed, Mr. Monkey P. Nutt has arrived in the good ol' U.S. of A. for the second time, and he arrived in style. He came in an insulated carton, because it gets really cold up in the Northern Lattitudes. He had a big grin on his face as I opened the box with the only thing I had handy, a pair of cuticle nippers! He is such a good house guest, he came complete with hostess Christmas presents!! (He said they were from him, but I think he is confused, I think they are really from Bilbo. THe kitties immediately jumped into the box on the bed, and started rooting around in it before I even had him out of it.
Chitters took off with a ziplock bag in his teeth, followed closely by Loki trying to get it away from him. I finally rescued it, afraid it was one of Monkey's goodie bags that he gets to take home to England. It wasn't. It was for the kitties from Bilbo, They had so much fun drooling all over the plastic bag, that I just left it that way. There are teeth marks all over the bag, and Sadie opened it for them. SO the blanket toy, Sadie has claimed, and the meeces are all over the floor.
Mr. Nutt does NOT like the rain. I offered to take him out to meet Lola over a peanut or two, but he would rather just stay in his box/bed and rest for a few hours. Travelling is very tiring ya know. Even MAtt Lauer is tired after all of his stops. He is getting his rest so He can go see Little Shop Of Horrors tonight. (I hope Audrey II has already been fed!! :0 )
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