We have been having a fair share of wet and stormy weather the past week or so. It rained like we have not seen it rain in a long long time. Yesterday we got over 1" of rain. Very unusual for us. We only get 17" a year, the problem is that it mists all the time. SO you think it really is raining and it isnt. Along with the rain we have had wind, 40-50 MPH winds up in our neck of the sound, and less by Seattle. It has been unusually dark out during the day also, Good days for staying in bed all hunkered down with a good book!
Donna came and picked Tilly up and took another load of her stuff home with her. It was so nice last night to sleep in a bed with out the dog pushing me off. Sadie is missing Tilly big time. THey fought all the time, but at least Sadie had some one to play with. I must need another puppy huh?
right now it is getting COLD out there, the temp is almost to 32 degrees, and already black ice warnings have gone out. The passes are getting FEET of snow, and the ski resorts that went wanting last year, are opening already. ANd several passes have closed!!
Now we usually close the North Cascades highway around the 1st of December, and it stays closed until March or April. But this year it closed last week, and they said it will remain closed for the year, as there is just too much snow on the pass now. Snoqualmie Pass, which is our MAJOR E-W Interstate route, has been closed for two days because of a rock slide. so that leaves only US2 which goes over Stevens Pass, (1 lane each direction) US 12 which goes over White Pass, and the columbia gorge which is I 82. Needless to say the truckers are really in trouble. It will take them several hours to drive around to the other passes and back to I-90 again. And with the cost of fuel up this week, there are some hurting trucking firms. I heard just now that they opened 1 lane in both directions over I-90, so traffic can start moving again. according to the news there is over 5 million dollars worth of goods transported EVERY DAY over that pass. Whew!! No wonder they are scared.
We are expecting more rain again tomorrow, but forcasted as of yet.
I have spent 3 days putzing around the house and getting it ready for Mr. Nut's visit. He will be staying here, because Phyllis does not have an extra room. And it just so happens I do now! I have been doing little odd jobs that I have been putting off for a long time, and things are starting to take shape. JUst one step at a time, and the house should be clean again.
I cooked a turkey on Saturday to make room for the three turkeys Bob is buying when the price is cheap. This one was 39 cents a pound for a total of 6.35!! dont mind eating turkey at that price! This bird was over a year old, and needed to be cooked. It was delicious!! none of the other fixings, just the turkey. so juicy! and I made a big pot of soup from the carcass. Now I hope I can replicate it come Thanksgiving.
I may or may not be posting daily, as I have a honey-do list that needs to get done, and since I live alone....
Ya'll have a great week.
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