Tuesday, September 23, 2003

OK I'm back...

Lots of places to visit today. I went from Washington, to Calgary, to Arkansas, to Texas, to Scotland, Japan, Vancouver Island, New York and back to washington. Whew!! busy day. Twenty years ago, who would've thought that I could visit people all over the world, at my leisure, in my nightgown, with my hair looking like shit? AMAZING.

I was not ready to get up this morning. I was afraid of this. I retired just as the days were growing longer and longer, and I was waking up earlier and earlier and enjoying it more and more. Alas, the days are growing shorter and shorter, and I am sleeping later and later and enjoying it more and more. I should maybe just go with the flow and not worry about it? Why do I feel guilty if I sleep until 730? I have only missed part of TODAY show, and I am sure Katy, Matt, Al and Ann wouldn't miss me that much. It isn't like I have to punch a time clock anymore. I get up with Sadie, put her back in her pen to eat, and go back to sleep.

This morning at 600 Sadie was ready to go out. SO out we went, Owls hooting really close. SO I put her on the grass, and stayed right beside her as she ran all over the yard. She heard the owls and cocked her little head and took off running right towards the woods. 6' fence between her and woods, but the owls were in the alders and sounded really hungry, and they could fly over the fence. I figured if I stayed within an arms reach she would be safe. The closer I got to the trees the less the owls hooted. Soon she will be too big to be carried off for owl-breakfast, and I can just shove her outside and let her go.

All of the socks that I couldn't find are now laying on the floor in the office behind me. (behind me in the office?) Along with the kleenex from the trash bag. THese have all been neatly shredded into 1000 pieces, and scattered helter skelter all over the rug. Where the socks have been hiding, I am not sure. Nice to have them back though. Yesterday, as I was getting dressed, my bra dropped to the floor. I was putting on my panties and balancing on my one good leg, so I did not immediately pick it up. Once I was ready for it, I reached down and it was GONE!!! So through the house I hobble, Boobs bare and hanging, looking for the bra. In the office was Sadie, with 4 odd socks, and my well worn playtex 18 hour bra, chewing away on the elastic back. Now mind you there is not much left of the elastic as it is so old and comfy and can be fastened easily, and now there is even less of it.

The bag of C&W frozen corn is now sliding down my leg, and no longer frozen. ( I will leave this visual to your own imaginations) Thank you Leslie, I feel soooo much better.

It is a really gray morning. I knew it would be, as yesterday was soooo nice. As I came home the sun was setting and there was a huge thick fog bank forming off the west side of the island. It rolled in after dark, and really hasn't woke up enough to burn off yet. I cant paint the deck until it is over 60 degrees, which may be June 2004. All is not lost though, as I have a ton of work to do on the 'puter today. I have to get the program written for the DOCK BRIEF, and get ready for rehearsal tonight for OER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS. If you get a chance to go see this play, it is a keeper.

I now need to go get busy doing creative things, so must run....carefully, as there might be puppy land mines around, and feeling it squish between bare toes is not a good thing. trust me...

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