Saturday, March 20, 2004


It is a BEEEUUUUTIFULLL!!!! day. The sun is shining warmly through the window, the birds are chirping at the feeders, the sound of lawnmowers permeates the neighborhood. I plan on getting out and doing SOMETHING in the yard. It may be just sit and watch Bob stack wood!! (if he shows up) I really need to find my flower bed out front. It is sooo badly overgrown. One of the BAD things about living in the Pac NW is that the weather is very conducive to year-round growing. Not flowers, but WEEDS!! They THRIVE!!! So I need to get out there and get the thistles out before they take over the grass again. I almost wish I could just let it go back to nature, but then the Himalayian Blackberry bushes would Take over the house!!! They are Washington's KUDZU!! No kidding! The berries are wonderful!! But the plant is extremely invasive.

A note to any of you that may have sent me an email yesterday. Please resend!!! Sadie Bin Laden chased Loki under the desk and unplugged the computer just as I was receiving email, and I lost EVERYTHING!!! ARRRGGGHHH!! I was hoping to hear from some of you and saw that you had indeed responded, but I didn't get to read them WAH!!

SO send them again PLEASE!!!

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