Friday, March 19, 2004


What is a bloggie? How do you win? Why would you want to? How do you enter? Who votes? I have seen several sites where they have said they were entered and were up against So and So. But I have never seen where you would vote, or rather who the winners were. Nor the criteria for winning. Is this something new that I missed somewhere? Huh! Obviously I am not awake when I log on...

THe news last night said that there is another fisherman missing, this time it is on the next island up, in Padilla Bay. THe boat was found, going in circles with the motor still running, so obviously he hadn't been gone way too long unless he has a honking big gas tank. Another man missing over the side. THis is another example of why men need to be trained to KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS!!!! I swear, Women have to hold it until we get back to the dock, why do men think that all they have to do is yank it out, stand up and pee over the side? HEY DICK!! HERE"S ANOTHER DARWIN ENTRY!!!! Why do they think that just because they CAN that they SHOULD! Why should I care? I dunno, maybe because I have a rotten back right now, and I have to pull myself up and make it to the bathroom, and figure out how to sit and then HOW TO GET UP!! Maybe I'm jealous.

I woke up in the middle of the night again last nite, I kept hearing the blood curddling screams DOnna emitted when she fell. Can Mom's get PTS Syndrome? SHe has not hurt herself like that in 36 years, why do I think she is gonna do it again? She won't I am sure, but I keep hearing that screech, and the vile words!!! and the panic!! Why can't Moms be like animal moms...shoo their kids out of their nest and forget they exist? God wouldn't that be GREAT? no worries that they will get hurt, no worries that they will make wrong life choices, no worries that they will get in trouble. Lordy the world would be much more peaceful.

I realize that I may be ranting here, and I don't do nearly as good a job of it as Ms KATrina does, but I feel oh so much better now thank you...think I'll go get another cup of coffe and then think about what I REALLY want to write about. I'll be back....(scary huh)

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