Thursday, March 11, 2004


Yesterday was such a glorious day!! The sun was out, not a cloud in the sky and I had a dentist appointment and couldn't play! Got through with the dentist and then wandered up to the Coupeville cemetery to take some Mountain pictures. Unfortunately the haze was keeping the mountains from showing up the way I wanted. I had plans for this morning...Wake up early, felt the wonderful warm sun hitting my face, breathing in icy cold air and laid there listening for the hummingbirds to buzz up to the feeders.


Oh says I, this does not sound good. I snapped awake, and stumbled into the Living room where the vulgarities were originating from. DONNA!! DONNA!! ARE YOU OK!!! I CANT GET MY EYES OPEN WHERE ARE YOU!!!??

Another Scream, then an I'm Ok Mom. By this time I have the eyes pried open, and see her laying on the floor, face down, with her left arm under her. She has twisted her ankle going to the door, and fell. I touch her and she screams. She says she has dis-located her shoulder.

Ok, On ER they just pull and it pops back in. NOT!!! One does Not touch Donna when she is hurting. She yells at you.

I finally realized I was not going to be able to get her up off the floor without hurting her further and myself also. So I for the first time in my life, Call 911. Nice Lady!!! My voice was croaking it's morning froggy voice, so the poor lady thinks I am hysterical. I am not, but she was very nice while she got the address. (I thought they had those automatically) And then told me to keep her comfortable until the paramedics got here.

Donna was going shocky on me so I covered her up and waited for the fire dept to get here. My entire family is involved in the fire dept. (or was until they all retired) so We know everybody.

15 minutes later Joe shows up and followed by the engine and three more medics then the ambulance.

Now I have to tell you, that I stopped by Leslie's blog first before I posted this, hoping to get some calming, relaxing information, only to find out Carl has fallen and is hurt. Leslie said that Carl managed to keep his sense of humor through it all. A different cut of cloth is my daughter. PAIN means I AM A BITCH STAY AWAY!! I warned them all!! She does not suffer fools gladly, and does not see the need to ask the same questions over and over again, and proceeded to tell them so. I warned them again, and said that she was normally a really nice person. They don't believe me.

I get her in the ambulance and I follow over in Bobs truck because he is taking a friend to Seattle in My car. I have never driven his new truck. It just would not go...Kept stalling at the stops. It is a stick shift which I can drive no problem, But it also had a little lite on the dash saying BRAKE! Where? I cant see where? It isn't there. I drive for 5 miles and then I reach under the dash thinking that I will either flip the hood open or release a brake.

It is amazing how easy the truck drives when the brakes are all off. DUH!!

Back to the emergency room...Get there and she is cussing a blue streak at the admitting clerks. 2 Nurses are looking at me and rolling their eyes...OH! Too late. I explained her vocabulary and said that once she was no longer in pain she would be really nice. They didn't believe me either.

Had problems getting an IV in her, Had problems finding a vein, could not sedate her until they found a vein, needed X-rays, and she is in horrible pain through all of this.

Finally got the Vein, and sedatives, got the xrays, no broken bones but her shoulder was poking out her boob in front. EEEOOOOOO!!!! The Dr then ordered the conscious sedation, and when she was no longer in pain, he took her arm and pulled it up and in, did not take 10 seconds to fix. I was so disappointed!! I was expecting a big POP...CRACK ahhhh
nope, just went right back in. She did not feel a thing, and was immediately the nice sweet young thing I knew she could be. Her husband called, and asked if she was sedated yet, and when I said yes, he said oh good then she isn't yelling at them any more huh? We all laughed.

So now my nice warm sunshiny day is clouding over, my dear darling daughter is now sleeping soundly with her swaddling sling wrapped around her body keeping her immobile, and drugs! Nice Knock you out drugs,. She is quiet. She is safe now, she is pain free now, and her mommie is now a wreck!!!

So now it is time to go blog walking and see how all my friends are. I need to see how Merikate is doing after her surgery, and make sure her granny is ok, I need to go back and apologize to Leslie for laughing. I need to make sure CJ is ok, and then I can go visit the rest of my friends and get lost in their worlds for awhile.

Been a hell of a day...

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