Tuesday, March 30, 2004

24 hrs later

It is amazing the difference 24 hours will make in the weather. Right now the wind is blowing, and the temperature is hovering around 44 degrees. THe rain is falling pretty heavily. Sadie is NOT wanting to go out side to pee. I had to catch her and throw her out. Even Lint does not want to go out.

I have been working on my scrapbook all afternoon. I am trying to get all of my retirement pictures mounted and labeled. THen there will be the playhouse pictures, then on to the odds and ends I have been carrying around for years. I lazed in bed for quite a while this morning. I could not sleep last night. Woke up about 5 times. Dreaming really bizarre dreams, most of them I can not remember. I did dream about Work though. YUCK!!! I dont ever want to go back to that stress!! I also have been waking up with a very very dry mouth! so dry my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.

I woke up late, about 930, and just laid there listening to the birds. I heard the Swainsons Thrush for the first time this year! I was afraid they were not going to come back. Last year I only heard them 1 time, and every other year I heard them first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. I am glad to hear it again. The Doves are pairing up for nesting. It is so funny to watch those foolish males, puff up their chests and coo their song and try to mount the female. SHe will just hop away, and then he has to gather his pride and toddle after her and try again. SHe will turn around and peck at him and then he will start all over. Youd think they would get tired of trying.

THe black headed grosbeaks are due back anytime. The hummers are really draining the feeders now, most of the femaels are back and staking out their territories.

I am just about finished with my pile of books to read, guess I will have to hit Amazon.com again and stock up. I dont think that any of my favorite authors have any new ones out though. I have read all of
NOra ROberts
Sandra Brown
Barbara Delinsky
Nevada Barr
up through L of whats her name
Catherine COulter
J A Jance
Elizabeth Lowell
Kathleen Skye Moody
Dana Stabenow
Sue Henry
Lillian Jackson Braun
And I need # 2 of Tony Hillerman so I can start his series.
ANd it is about time for Nicholas Evans to come out with a new book.
THe same for Diane Mott Davidson

I could start on Janet Evanovich I have not read her at all yet.

OH The sun just popped out! OUCH!! it is so bright and intense when it is about ready to go down and is shining under the dark gray clouds, and the grass is so green it hurts your eyes. We do live in a beautiful part of the world. I wish you all could see it.

I tend to

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