Saturday, March 13, 2004

Signs of Spring...

This week has had several gorgeous spring days. Sunshine, cold, clouds scuttling by, birds chirping, Hummingbirds appearing morte and more. SOon I will have to fill all the feeders every day. No small feat this!! I will have 10 hummingbird feeders that I will have to keep fresh. I will have two feeders to fill with seed, 5 suet feeders for the woodpeckers and chickadees, two platform feeders for the doves, juncos, black-headed grosbeaks, and two more platform feeders for the ground dwellers, the spotted towhees and the quail. I have been thinking about buying grubs for the robins, and thrush, but that is a bit overboard for me.

Spring has also brought out the mice and the snakes. When ever I let Sadie in the house now, I have to stop her and open her mouth to see what pressies she is bringing MOmmie now. Today she brought me not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 dead mice...

I put them on the feeder tray for the owls or hawks. Im hoping the barred owl will come pig out on them. I love to listen to them hoot at night. The woods are full of birds of all kinds, so someone of them will probably partake of the carcasses. If they are still there tomorrow I will throw them over the fence.

As I was walking around the yard looking for more Sadie -kill, I took a few pictures of the trees getting ready to pop their blossoms. THe neighboring plum tree is in full bloom already. YUMMY, they are so sweet and good, and hang over onto MY SIDE!!! Yay!!!

My peach tree is rerady to pop open also, and the Daffodils are ready. I LOVE SPRING!! ACHOOOOOOO!!!! (sorry)
THe tree Pollen was reading dangerously high for those with allergies, but has dropped considerably now. ACHOOOOOO!!! (so they say, sorry)

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