Monday, March 15, 2004

And How do you blog?

As I was making my daily rounds this morning, I noticed that some of you are up at the crack of dawn post your daily writings and get on with your day. Some of you are making comments before you even post on your own blog.

That is what I do. I turn on the 'puter, go make a pot of coffee click on my blog to read the comments ya'll have left then I go over to the side bart and click on Phyllis, then start reading. I click from my favorites sometimes, and click from your blog rolls the others. WHat I don't know is what is the PROPER way to do it? Am I stealing bandwidth (whatever the heck that is) by clicking on your blogroll?

Another thing I notice is that I NEVER show up on your referral lists...hmmmm, I go there, I really do...

I also notice that I have missed several of you for a few weeks. As you remember I re-arranged your names, and in so doing, I misplaced some of you. So I am playing with names again. I have you all listed in my favorites and that is what I use to blogwalk. Now somehow I hit a button which arranged all of my favaorites in alphabetical order. thus I lost some of you. Not LOST just misplaced. Now I think I have every body back to where they are sposed to be, and If I dont show up on your blog for awhile let me know....

I also have blogs I only read once a week or so, because that is how often they are updated. (None of yours of course)

How do you blog? do you open blogger first and then post as you go? DO you read first then post? DO you Post first then read? Do you compose on word then post ?

After a year, I have a routine, but Since it takes me almost 2 hours to read everyone, I am wondering what the best way is. Leslie seems to post comments on the entire blogsphere every day, PLUS post daily and take care of Carl. Wanda gets into all the political ones. Some of you post from work, How do you get away with it?

Just curious. I know there is no right or wrong way to do this, but there might be a BETTER way...I'm listening...

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