Thursday, April 01, 2004


I have just spent the last 1/2 hour reading a posting that I found at Anji's place. It is a link that she was sent, and it is a pictorial journey of a woman on a motorcycle going through Chernobyl. You hear of the distruction, the loss of life, the wasteland, but until you really see it, it just does not hit home. We have nuclear Power plants here in the state of Washington that are lying unused because of the threat of a nuclear accident like that. We had what we called WOOPS!! It stood for something like Washington state utilities power supply or something like that, Millions were spent in getting these plants built, and now they are giant nesting sites for Barn Swallows. as far as I know there was only one that ever was powered up, and that is on the Columbia river across from Rainier, Oregon. Satsop may have, but I think it is down now.

I was going to put some smart alecky April Fools thingie up here, but after reading this, I couldn't. It got to me. A whole town just VACATED!!! go to this pictorial, and tell me your thoughts.

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