Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Tuesday mutterings....

Today I am in mourning….Moby died today. I have a beta fish floating on the bottom of his bowl, on his side. Poor Moby. He was ready to check out for the past week, but he kept coming up for air and to eat, so I thought it was just lazy fish. NOT!! Dead fish!! I have had Moby for 2 ½ years. I have no idea how long they live, but I think 3 years is a long time, so he probably was old…for a beta. Now for the ceremony…Do I bury him under a petunia, and let him decay and feed the plant? DO I flush him down the toilet, and let him decay in the septic tank? Should I take him to the beach and “Bury” him at sea? What is appropriate for a fish? No Dick, there isn’t enough for a Texas BBQ!!

I know you have read about me bitching about the House across the street. It is a HUGE house, and when I bought this house 11 years ago, I was told that the lot would NEVER perk, so I would not lose my view. PHHHHFFFTTTT!!! I not only lost the view, I lost the SUN!! I have a big shadow across my house now. This turd built a two story house, 5 feet from each side of the lot. Today, I heard a big semi coming into the street. We live on a dead end street, and there is no turn around room, so hearing heavy equipment is very unusual. I look out front and there on the back of said truck is two huge septic tanks. HE HASN”T EVEN INSTALLED THE SEPTIC SYSTEM and the house is FINISHED!!!! What if it WON’t perk? Will they tear it down? I watched as the huge honking truck fought it's way through the neighbors yard and lilac bushes to get to the back yard to off load these tanks. Dear Lord, I hope it fails. I hope it can't sell. I hope they have to take it down. SIGH!

My space bar was making a funny clicking noise when I hit it, so I turned the keyboard over…GADS! The detritus that fell out from between the keys!!! I then banged the bottom of it and out fell MORE crap. FINGERNAIL TRIMMINGS!! I do not trim my nails I bite them. HMMMMMMMM CHEMYSTERY? I then took a pin and ran it between the keys, and the CAT HAIR!!! It is a wonder I even type at all. I know I have a problem with my left little finger and the shift key There. (as I just showed you) My finger is really slow and I end up as Kat says, with WONKY typing. I never shift with my right little finger either just the Left one. I try to keep the keyboard clean of finger prints, because I hate to see dirt on a keyboard. BUT INSIDE? EEEEooowwwwwww!!!

Our nice warm weather left today. It is a good 20 degrees cooler and the wind must be around 40 MPH off the Strait, The alders are breaking in the woods, CRAAAACK, SPLINTER! I am waiting for one to take out my fence! ARRGHHH The sun just came out, and we didn’t get any rain, so I guess I have to drag out the hose to water the roses. This has just become the driest April on record, and if it continues, we will go into a drought situation. This is the rain capital of the US!!! We are Known for WET, if it keeps up like this more and more of them dern Cal EE fornians will come up here and drive the prices even higher.

OOPS the power is blinking, better turn off the puter gotta save!!

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