Monday, April 26, 2004

Early morning

I am actually up early for a change. I Love being up before the sun hits the top of the alders. THe birds are singing like mad in the trees, and the quail have just left the feeder on their way to whereever quails go during the day. THey only show up first thing in the morning and then on their way back to their nests at night.

There are streaks of sunshine peeking through the alders, laying paths of gold down on the vivid green of the grass. Gonna be a hot one today. THe weatherman said it's sposed to reach 85 in parts of the area!! It's only April for God's sake!! what in the world will the rest of the summer be like?

Sadie is still sleeping, and I will let her until she scratches to get out, That gives Lola and the rest of the gang time to eat peacefully. Ahe is such a loudmouth, and loves to chase the birds away. THe hummingbirds, Doves and the chicadees and juncos all ignore her, they realiae she can't reach them. But the bandtailed pigeons and the quail and Lolas are all still afraid she will get them.

What should I name the pigeon pair? They seem to come back every day, so they are part of the gang now. Gotta have names. The same with the quail pair.

I have about six more body painting pictures that I will intersperse through the week. It is not meant to be Pornographic, but art! Really!! I thought it was very innovative!! Wait until you see the rest!!!

I hear a new bird out there and I cant see it to identify it, so I will have to spend some time listening to to find out what it is. Great site!!!

On to morning COFFEE!!!!!!

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