Wednesday, December 22, 2004


I almost finished shopping today. I say almost because I thought I was finished and I dumped everything out on the bed to sort through it all and forgot my nephew. and I thought I had stocking stuffers for Phyllis, but I didn't I twice as much for Bob as I planned. I hate being disorganised! I am though the WORST one for organization. I want to be so badly, but I just cant. It is not in me! So tomorrow, while I planned to do nothing but bake and wrap, I will be down to (GAG!!!) Wwwwwwwww (oh just SAY IT!) WAL-MART (I just got struck by a blot from on high) and picking up something for Phyllis and DOnna for their stockings, and hopefully something for the nephew.

I was feeling so good driving into Mt Vernon today, Traffic was not too bad, and I found a spot right by the door to the store I wanted to go into, and then I walked right up to the register and got what I could not find, because it was an order only. SO I got that and will wrap the receipt and when it comes in Bob can go down and get it himself! yay for that.

I was listening to the station that has Christmas music 24/7 and was singing my heart out, and when I hit the really loud high notes, Sadie would look over at me and she would throw her head back and howwwwwllllll too. We were having so much fun singing in traffic, until I looked over and there was a man in the next car over looking at me and Sadie and laughing. I did not expect to be a public spectacle.
LOLOLOL What the Hell...we sang some more. Sadie does this really good, she sits in the front seat, sits up so she can see out and throws her head back so that her nose is pointing up and out she howls. It is so funny!! She really sings good to THE FIRST NOEL...especially when I try to sing descant. You see I am a Tenor, and anythong over an f is almost too high for me.

I headed home, and the traffic from the Junction to Mt Vernon, clear down to the Swinomish bridge was stop and go. BOTH LANES!! All headed to the Island!! I can just envision this island sinking one day. From the Casino all the way into the Bridge at Deception Pass the traffic ran smoothly, so It got much better driving.

I went on base and filled up the car with gas, reached into my pocket and found my long lost debit card!! I had lost it three weeks ago, and called and cancelled it, got a new one and was terrified that someone had access to my account. DUH. Right where I put it. I have only qworn this coat three times, so I did not think to check the pockets of it. Sure glad I know who had it though.

So Tomorrow I will FINSIH my damn shopping, start my damned baking, and wrap presents. THen on Friday I can run the dust mop quickly through the house, scrub out the toilet, empty the cat box and dishwasher ( love how those two go together?) ( I did that just for KAT) :) and bathe Sadie cause she stinks!

So How about you are you ready for Christmas? Phffffttttt...

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