Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Candy Canes on Puppies and Whiskers on Kittens...

Bright colored packages tied up with string...oh that's not the way the song goes? Sadie thinks so. Yesterday. Lint, the manx cat my Son left me in the bathroom, decided that he would take a candy cane out of the paperwhites on my desk. It took him about three hours. Now you have to realize this cat is over 12 years old and arthritic, so when he starts acting kittenish, I let him. He got the Candy Cane out and then proceeded to knock it off of my desk onto the floor. I was busy blocking Act I so I did not stop him.

Today while I was blogging and then Blocking the rest of Act I. Sadie and Uncle Bandit were asleep on the living room floor. Cuddled together like spoons. THey were so quiet that I just left them that way.

I got ready to go to rehearsal, and went to pick Sadie up to put her in the car.

You know the face that little kids have when they have had their first all day sucker? Yep...that's the one, candy and red all over them? Sadie it seems had NOT been sleeping that quietly and had indeed found the wayward candy cane from the day before. There was red candy in pieces stuck all over her face, There was white candy stuck on her front paws where she had held it down and chewed on it. There was candy stuck to her ears, and her tummy. I had to laugh, she was so funny looking! and the battery to my camera was dead and in the charger! DAMN! That would have been a picture to publish!! I had no idea how much she had eaten but since I saw none laying around, I assumed it was all gone. I watched her carefully for a few hours to make sure it would not hurt her then put her out to pee.

I took a hot shower and as I was walking across the bedroom rug, I stuck to the rest of the candy cane. So now I have a knee that doesn't bend, with a foot that is really sticky and has something attached to it, Naked as a jaybird, hopping over to the bed to rest on so I could get the damn thing off my foot. The cats were laying on my bed in their usual spots waiting for me to crawl in and turn on the electric blanket. Lint looked up at me as if to say "What!?" The others just quietly laid back down and went to sleep.

Sadie hasn't got a clue!! Must be nice to be young and "innocent" again.

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