Sunday, August 15, 2004


This weekend every year we have a family BBQ. It is my Daughters Birthday on the 17th and my SIL on the 16th. This year i held it. we always celebrate them together to make it easier on everybody. Dearest Darling Daughter Empress of The 20 Universes, decided that she would go home this weekend. So we had birthday party without her. here is a picture from a few years ago, nobody has changed that much. I call this picture "the HEAD" I dont know how long I had been looking at it before I noticed anything. FUNNY!! Donna is the Blonde, Sherry (SIL) is the redhead.

I forgot to get the cake, so we stuck candles in Sherry's pecan pie, and she blew out the candles on her birthday pie.

I BBQ'd chicken Hind Quarters, Phyllis brought potato salad, and Bob cooked the corn on the cob. It was yummy, all of it!!

The BBQ got way too hot, and caught the chicken on fire. Too many pieces on the grill at the same time. Live and learn. SO I turned off the gas and finished cooking the chicken via the burning fat on the bottom of the grill! Hey what ever works right?

Sorry, I have no pictures of me, as I am always the one behind the camera. That's just fine with me though. Phyllis is gonna have a fit, but this is a pretty good picture of her.

Family BBQ's are such fun. somebody always gets in an argument, and today was no exception. We just laugh and chalk it up to THE BRETT'S!!! everybody left in good humor though.

Now I think I will clean up the kitchen take a nice soaky bath, and go to bed and watch the Olympics. I took the two extra kitties back to their Mommie today, so I am all alone with me crew. AHHHHHHHHHHHH

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