Friday, May 21, 2004

My TURN!!!

Yay, I get my computer back for a few minutes! I stuck my head in the door and asked if I could have it for a few minutes. I interrupted a video chat with a really cute guy. I told her I would keep talking to him and he'd never know. She laughed and disconnected. Now how fair is that? She HAS a husband, so I think she should let me talk to the cute ones too. Don't you?

It rained today!! Not much just a drizzle, but enough to keep the bugs at bay. I did not see any but dead ones this afternoon. One could only hope!! George and Gracie were talking loudly to each other this morning, George was wanting Gracie to get back here, and Gracie wasn't having any of it.

I can hardly wait until the babies hatch! They run after their mom and dad so fast, My Father used to call them little bumble bees. A clutch of about 15-20 all fluttering in a line while Dad leads the way and Mom putts behind. I love watching them and listening to their calls in the woods. I hope they are eating caterpillars!

Lola, Rita and Sal were out today, and chattering at each other loudly, which woke Sadie up. When she wakes up she has to go out NOW, so I had to let her, and she ran right over and almost caught Lola!! So now there are three lolls sitting on different parts of the fence chattering loudly at Sadie, and Sadie barking like all get out at them.

the rain felt really good though. Even though it was not much, it was enough to give the lawn hope that it will survive. You can almost hear the alders globing in the moisture.

I am so disgusted with JAG!!! Tonight they left a cliff hanger...And I hope it is just until next week, instead of next season. I really like that show!! And West Wing!

Thunderstorms predicted tomorrow. WHoo-hoo I would LOVE a drenching downpour with lots of wind from the west and a nice cold chill to it. Make it really feel like Spring in the Pacific Northwest. It's been like summer and that is soooooo unusual.
If this keeps up, more and more Californians will find their way up here with their pockets full of money from selling their tiny 2 bedroom cottages for 350k and finding out they can buy a 4500 SF house with a view for what they have in their pockets! We call our real estate market CALIFORNICATED!! (no offense Heather)

Some sad news to report, with all the sadness and trauma going on in
the world at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the death of a very
important person which almost went unnoticed last week. Larry La Prise,
the man who wrote "The Hokey Pokey" died peacefully at age 93. The
most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They
put his left leg in......and then the trouble began.

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