Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Mee too!

I can't let Leslie outdo me. This picture was taken in my backyard in Fallon, Nevada in 1999. THese wild peacocks lived along the Carson River, in the trees. They were escapees from the mansions in Virginia City and Carson City in the 1800's. The Gold Barons built these mansions, and created a park like atmosphere around them, with peacocks and other exotic animals and birds. The Peacocks have survived, in fact thrived, all these years.

I first drove into My house at night, after driving from the Oregon Motel that I had stayed in. I was just relocating, pulling a u=haul with all the critters in it, and was dead tired. My landlady knew I was coming, and left the house open. I went in to the empty house, at 1030 at night, unloaded the animals, and crashed on the floor in the bedroom dead tired. About 330 in the morning I woke up with a start. There was a woman screaming "HELP me" HELP me" in the field next to me. I was terrified, and Mariah was going ballistic.

I went out the backdoor, and sat on the porch listening. "HELP me" came again and again. By this time it was just starting to get light and the chickens were starting to crow at the on coming light. My house was one of about 30 Gentleman Farms along the river. meaning we had 5 acres apiece if not more, and they were shoulder to shoulder. There were a lot of Farm animals around, so I thought that someone had been thrown from a horse or something. I started to get my cell phone from the car and call 911 when I heard wings flap and saw one of the resident wild peacocks jump over the fence. "HELP me HELP me" then became quite clear. oh!

I got used to them sreaming in the middle of the night. And it was a real hoot when one of the many giant thunderstorms roared through. BOOM CRACK!!! "HELP me" came from all over the river! They hated the storms! You think I have critters here? Whoo! I'll tell you about it some day!!!

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