Monday, August 25, 2003

I just spent a nice 45 minutes snuggling with Bea Bunny. She and I sat at the window seat and watched the birds while I combed out her long fur. She has become a much calmer bunny since her "surgery". She has discovered dried bamama chips. oh MAN!! I walk towards her cage in the evening and she is on her back feet sniffing at the top of the cage wanting her 'nana chips. She is so cute. I give her "bunny Bon-Bons" about once a week. I will go out to deadhead my roses and bring in the blossoms that are spent. SHE LOVES THEM!! I was wanting a tooth-purr today, but alas, she was not willing to give one. Spose I better go get ready for rehersal... I have to tape the commercial for the Playhouse tonight. UGH...

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