Monday, August 25, 2003

I have GOT to learn how to make this blog pretty. Put in Pictures, list my favorite blogs, etc. Add a spot for comments so I can know if there really IS any one out there reading this.

Leslie aka CRITTERCHICKread me on Friday, 'cause she mentioned me. WHOO-HOO!!Thanks Les!! If there IS anyone out there, who would like to clue me in on how to add comments to this feel free!!! is my email. I am sorta computer literate, but not really, so keep it simple. I like step by step instructions. My daughter the Bio-chemist spouts "read the manual MOM!" I gotta be Shown how to do something, and then I can do it. I wasn't born with a computer chip in my back side like she was. Hey, since I am retired now, and not entirely BROKE, (YET,) Maybe I should take a web design class at Skagit Valley College!

(Egads, I just reread the past few blogs, and found all the typos that I missed when I posted! I have got to edit before I publish and post huh? )

I am watching the TODAY show, and they are showing fashions for full figured women. They all look really sharp. Now why am I afraid to dress like that? I am sooooooo inhibited!! My Daughter isn't! She wears what she likes, and looks good. I don't always like her taste, but she always looks good.

We got the cast selected for OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS last night, so one more thing down and off my plate, ARSENIC AND OLD LACE opens Friday Sept 5, then I can devote time to OTRATTW, and get the Fundraiser over with. Next season, I am gonna stick to just two shows a season.

I can not get my brain wrapped around any one thing this morning. I have a lot to blog about, but can not focus. I shall return...maybe...yeah.

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