Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Mother Nature hits hard!

Whoo-boy...watching the news this afternoon, listening to all the rivers that are at or above flood stage again, and thinking that I am so glad I live on an island. We are getting the rain though. So far about 3 inches. Now this may seem like nothing to some of you, but We usually only get 17" of rain a YEAR, it is usually just showery and misty all the time. It rarely pours like it has this Fall. I was shaking my head at our weather and then they switched to the national weather. Man!! Tornadoes, WInd, Rain, more wind, more tornadoes all through the mid section. Houston is flooded, New Orleans is flooded (that doesn't take much I hear) Tornadoes in Arkansas, Alabama and Mississippi. Wind through the mid-west along with the rain and snow! I can deal with the wind, and the rain, but I don't think I could deal with living where you would have to fear tornadoes in the middle of the night. I think I would just build a house underground and never come up for air. I sincerely hope that all of you are safe and secure and out of Harm's Way.

Me, I gotta get out in this pouring rain and bring in some fire wood. I'm cold. Damn I wish I one of those four men that Dorothy mentioned...

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