Saturday, November 01, 2003


Sadie has bugs. We dug up the back yard this summer and must have stirred something up, I have not had fleas in my house or yard for almost 9 years. Bandit started scratching first then Sadie. So now I have to dose all of my animals with flea control. The Vet gave me a pack of 4 vials of Advantage and 2 syringes so I can pull out the correct amount of medicine and get it onto all the necks of all the pets. Well the first one I got was Loki, caught him while he was sleeping on the arm of the sofa. Evidently this stuff either stings or stinks, cause he shot off the couch like a bullet. Bandit was no problem. DOnna did him Chitters came up sat in my lap and started making "mud pies" so I grabbed the goop and got him. Off he went like a hot cinder popped him the arse. Lint and Ethel ran and hid, so it was Sadie next. Had to give her a good bath first. OH GOD. Try to bathe a 3 month old hyper active puppy in the tub on your knees when you have a really bad knee. SHe wanted out of that tub in the worst way. THe noises that came out of her poor little body. She sounded like Whats-her-name in THE EXCORSIST. GAWD! GOt her all shampooed and rinsed and forgot the towel. Had to call Donna to bring me the towel. I wrapped Sadie in the towel and handed her to DOnna so I could try and stand up. I did it, I hurt, but I did it. Took Sadie back, dried her off good with the towel then took her into the laundry room to shake. Shake she did. But she is clean. Caught her again, and dosed her on her neck too, then changed her bed and put her in the pen. She jumped into her basket dug into the pillow, turned around three times and flopped down with her little head hanging over the edge, looking at me like "I Hate you!" She'll get over it, and love me again. She better...I feed her....

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