Saturday, November 15, 2003

Lazy Saturday...

What a lazy day...I woke up at 630, peed, then crawled back under the covers, Sadie was not awake yet, so I figured I would take advantage of that fact and go back to sleep. I slept until 11:30!! I needed it though. To night is STRIKE night. We have a cast party pre-show at 530 then the final show, then we have to strike the set. This will take us until 200 in the morning at least!! UGH> This is the part I really hate. I can't lift, I can't do stairs, But I feel I need to be there because it is mandatory for everyone else. I'll work until my Knee swells up and then I'll sit.

It is really getting nasty out there. We are sposed to get slammed with a storm tonight. The wind is already starting to blow. My luck the lights will go out tonight during the show. I guess I better have a few flashlights ready huh?
Sadie is outside right now, I sent her out to spend some time...before the rain hits. She is assuming the position to poop, and a leaf will blow by, so after it she goes, then re-assumes the position...and so on. She'll stay out a while I'm Afraid.

I am cold clear through right now. Still in my new flannel niteshirt, but no socks. I just got up and closed my window, and turned the heater on to take the chill off the room. I looked out front and you cant even see the Olympics!! It is UGLY out there. Better bring in some wood before it gets dark. I hate to try to stumble around in the dark looking for the woodpile. Then it will be time to hit the road.

See me...

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