Saturday, November 29, 2003

blogger boo-boos

Both Phyllis and I have been having sporatic problems with our connections. We do not have the same server. She has Verizon DSL I have Galaxynet DIal-up 56k. Whatever the problem It causes us to not be able to open your sites completely, and sometimes cant get comments to open, or if they do they wont post new ones, so we comment, but they dont get posted. I logged off and then She called with the same problem. At first I thought it was blogger but sometimes they opened and sometimes they did not.

With Christmas coming, is it kosher to ask for snail mail addresses to send Christmas cards? If so, please email me at and send me your address and I will return mine. I asked Leslie, and she thought it would be best to do it off blog just in case there were some nasty lurkers out there. Good idea. So send those emails!!

You can't hang e-cards on the mantle...

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