Sunday, September 04, 2005


I just paid 2.96 9/10 a gallon for regular gas on BASE!!! ouch! I budgeted for 90 a month for gas, but at this rate it'll be 180.00 a month!! This really hurts me. I have to go into the rehearsals every night. that is a 40 Mile round trip daily!! Yeooouuuucchhhh!!!

TOday we painted the floor,and finished the piddley little things. TOn=morrow trim goes up and the light cues get set. I was told by one of my active duty cast members that she may be going to the Gulf to help with the emergency. SHe is a Navy COrpsman. so that would leave a big hole in our play. ANd if Mike went too, there would be another hole. I asked a friend to come read Traci's part and learn her blocking, and IF Traci went, (god forbid) Kyle could take her place and be Dr. Bradman's MOTHER! Now if they would decide to take Billy Ray I would be sunk!

I am hoping that there will people closer to the damage than our little people. I just have to go with the punches.

I am really wiped out tonight. THis has been a very stressful week for everyone! Let us hope that normalcy and civility return VERY FAST to those that need it.
I am gonna go take a much needed shower and hit the sack!!


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