Thursday, September 01, 2005

Tonites rehearsal...

Our play is coming along nicely. They know their lines, and tonite, since "Charles" was late because he had a late flight schedule, he ran in in his flight suit. His "wives" gave him a run for his money tonight, ad libbing and throwing his blocking off. You See, Billy Ray is a perfectionist!! And It drives him CRAZY when things are not the way they are s'posed to be. :)


In this scene, Elvira, his first wife (now deceased) is showing his 2nd wife Ruth, that she is indeed here, even though Ruth can not see her. She is moving a vase of flowers. Charles is the only one who can see Elvira. And it becomes really funny when he tells Elvira to quit being a guttersnipe. FUNNY :)

Billy and MK

Madame Arcati is the local MEDIUM who has done a Seance and through it, has brought back Elvira, who in trying to kill Charles so he can be with her for all eternity, has in actuality, killed Ruth. Now Madame Arcati is trying to explain to Charles that she might not be able to get the ghosts back to the after life.

Madame arcadi and Ruth

Madame Arcati has just told Ruth (before she died, picture in wrong place oops...) that she has no idea how Elvira came to this side.

viv and traci

Dr and Mrs. Bradman are friends who were here during the seance and find the whole thing strangely funny. Violet keeps sticking her foot in her mouth.

taking notes

since I am the director, And have almost no staff left. Dottie, my costumer stepped in and prompted. Actually she was reading for Madame Arcati while she was gone.

This is a really funny play. And we should have everything done by Monday. The lights are pretty much set, I just have to set the cues, and train the light engineer. The set needs to have the finishing touches put on it, and the "Magic" added.

I had a Magic person who really wanted to have all of the special effects to do, but he sort of forgot and backed out, so that is one MORE thing on my plate. I have enlisted Traci and Mike's help when they are not on stage.

so Now let's see, my set builder quit, I found a new one, and he quit after the set was 1/2 built, so then I begged and got almost the rest built. My light designer quit, she had too much to do. (?) My Props person got a job that paid her 20% more so she had to drop out. And my Stage Manager quit. I have no idea what all this is about, but I really do not think it was anything I did. It has been a bit hairy, but it has been fun too. I just have to go with the flow. OH YEAH! And my producer went to Disneyland, and took a cruise to Alaska! JEEZ!!! It must mean we are gonna have a really great show.


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