Monday, February 28, 2005



I didnt get hardly any sleep last night, as I was afraid I would forget to get up and Bob would miss his Colonoscopy at 700 this morning! So After the Academy awards, I tried to sleep, but could not. Just as I was about to get to sleep, the Coyotes started in yipping right over the back fence, and that woke up Sadie who insisted on joining them in waking up the world.

Got Bob in and back, and babysat him until the anisthetic wore off and I could see that he had no bad effects from that (except for the farting!!!) So I took him home.

I came back home the highway instead of along the beach, and just as I pulled off the highway and on to the developement road, there, right in the newly planted grass of a new house, was a set of twins!! They were yearlings, as the babies this year are just teeny tiny yet. and their Mama was not with them. THey were about twice the size of Sadie, who was quietly sleeping in the front seat. I stopped, rolled down the window, and got my camera out of my purse. As soon as I hit the on button, Sadie woke up and looked out the window. "MOM! MOM! LOOK! LOOK! CRITTERS! CRITTERS!
(BOunce Bounce Bark Bark). and the twins turned their tails and took off. Thus the really bad picture, but you get the idea. (yappy little Bitch!!) i Just love the WIldlife!!

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