I got dressed, loaded Sadie into the car and headed out with camera in hand. It was time to take some digital therapy!! I ran into the Base and got gas, and headed to Fort Ebby State Park. Washington started charging for the use of the Parks System, 5.00 a day, and I had not been there in a few years. But Bob being the practical person that he is, got me a Yearly pass for my Birthday.!!! WHOOP!!!

I drove in with the pass in the window and actually got out and walked along the beach for about 200 yds. It got rather rocky, and I was unsteady on my feet, and my back and hip started to go when I rocked on the rugged rocks, so I just stopped and drank it all in... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

The Bluff had eroded way past where it used to be, and the last time I was here it was not so Rocky, SO Mama has been busy on this side of the Island. If you look closely you can see where the different layers of rocks and ash and silt have been laid down during the Ice Age, and as it was receeding.

This beach is also where during really low tides, Mammoth Molars and skulls have been found. It just sends shivers down my spine to look at that freshly fallen bluff and know that I am probably the very first human being to see those very rocks!! WOW!!

THe fallen tree was way up on the top of the bluff last year. Now you see why I grumble at the idiots that build their trophy houses on the bluff edge and then yell when the rains come and the bluff slides into the sea and takes their land with them. as you look at the picture below, you can see where the bluff used to be three years ago. The entire Puget SOund area is all made of the same Glacial deposits, and if the edge of your land is on a bluff, you can bet your bippy that it will some day be beachfront too!

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