Thursday, January 26, 2006


It has gotten so COLD!! Yesterday after my walk the day before, I could barely move, because of my back. I sat and crocheted Donna's afghan most of the day with Icy Hot all over my hips and back. Just as the sky was getting darker, the wind came up, and It blew a cold angry wind. It blew right through the very tight house that I have, and right into my bones! Sadie sat on the chair and shivered, so I got up and built a roaring fire in the wood stove. I used two pieces of seasoned fir, and then as it went down I threw another piece of fir on it and then it got WARM!! It got so warm, from those three pieces of fir, that I actually had to open the window in my bedroom. I usually always have it open a crack, but lately I have closed it when t in there. Last night I opened it, and it sucked the heat right through the house, into my bedroom, and stayed there all night. Now that is what I call an efficient stove!!!

I kicked the covers off about 300 this morning, and woke up in a sweat. That lasted until about 700 and then I was shivering again. The weather has been so weird compared to normal. A month of rain, and then a few days of cloudy dry, and then one day of SUN and then another cold windy storm. The lights flickered several times last night and I just knew the power was going to go out. SO far we have been lucky.

Japan is getting dumped on with snow, unusually heavy snow, and then those storms head east...Right across the pacific ocean and smack right into us. They have warmed up so all we get is wet, but they have not warmed up significantly. It hovered today around 38 degrees, and is not expected to move much one way or the other. 38 is not really that cold, but when you have a 40 mile an hour wind, laced with a lot of mist, the chill factor is down there!! I would look it up but my server wont let me. When I am on this page, I have to stay here and publish or it loses everything and kicks me off line, so as soon as I publish I will look it up and put it in the comments.

just trust me, It is cold!! Time to go build another fire. BRRRRRRR!!!

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