I had the opportunity to apply for a part time job with the Whidbey Playhouse, which I would have LOVED. I was told that it would be a NEW position, including the janitorial duties, I hardly ever scrub my own toilet, so I did not relish the thought of cleaning 7 toilets every day. I vaccuumed my bedroom last night and threw my back out, it is sooooo painful. So since just vaccuuming one room put me out of commission, I opted to NOT apply for the position.
Now I am being told it was NOT the janitorial position, but mostly office work. Looks like shot myself in the foot! I really NEEDED that job, if in fact it was an office job. I NEED a part time 2 or 3 days a week, and I work weekends too. Well I hope SOMETHING shows up soon!! EEK!
I am going to go get my tree today, a small one because I cant afford a big one. If there were still any in the woods to find, I would do that, but alas, they are all gone. Such is the price of civilization!
got my suet feeders full again and the house is almost stink free again. GADS but rendering that uet down to it's liquid form is AWFUL!!! THis was home grown suet too, and home butchered, so it was not the pure suet that you get at the butcher shop, so It stinks even more than usual.
Fill your containers with a mixture of:
squirrel food
bird seed
sunflower seeds
peanuts (shelled)
dryed corn
Melt your suet over very low heat until clear. (if it isnt clear, strain it) then let it cool to the hard stage again, right in the pan, This makes it harder)
Once the suet has been melted twice and is now debris free, add 1/2 cup of creamy peanut putter. MAke sure it is all melted in.
Ladle the suet mixture over the birdseed in the containers, set outside to get solid, then wrap in saran wrap and freeze.
I use the square containers from the bought suet blocks, I save them and wash them every time.
I also have used muffin tins, and pinecones. If you do use pinecones, dip them into the hot suet and them bury them in the bird seed. let harder in the freezer them hang them in the trees. THe Chickadees go crazy for them.
THe recipe up there is the one I use, but there are many more, some call for oatmeal, cornmeal, cayene pepper, garlic...etc. ???????
I hang 6 feeders, and they usually last a month or so, unless Lola gets really greedy!!
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