A Cup of Tea...
There is something settling about sitting down to a good cup of tea just as it starts to get dark. I personally LOVE Earl Grey tea, but that is loaded with caffeine and keeps me awake all night.
It has been so cold here this past week, that I have been unable to get warm. I pile on the sweaters and socks and fuzzy slippers, but nothing gets me warm. I have even resorted to turning on the heat because I was out of wood in the wood box and did not want to go outside for fear I would slip on the ice and freeze to death.
Last night, actually yesterday afternoon, Bob was over for a bit, so I had him load up the wood box for me. I have a system. Since I can not bend over without excruciating pain in my back, I have Bob do that part. I open the dining room window which is 2 feet from the woodpile, and take the dcreen out of the window, then I hand the wood into Bob, who carries it across the LR to the wood box. Then I don't have to bend over, and the wood box is full, and Bob didn't have to go outside and stumble through the ice crusted leaves all over the grass.
After he left, I built a fire, and Sadie let me know that this was a good thing. as soon as I sat down in front of the woodstove, SHe was there, as were the 4 cats. I believe Bea would have been also, If I had let her out of her cage. I kept that puppy goping most of the evening with only 5 pieces of wood. It heated up the whole house, and I was finally warm.
I fixed a cup of herbal tea, and sat in my chair with all the lights out except for the xmas lites and listened to classic KING FM, and drank in the warmth of the tea, and the fire, and the Christmas lights. AHHHHHHH I was finally warm, Clear through. THe only thing that would have made it better would have been a really good friend to come over and drink it with me.
( I see you Caitlin!!! ;) ) Everybody Wave at her.....
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