I got to sleep about 300 AM this morning, and woke up at 730 listening to something hit the plywood covering that is laying over the crawl space hole. THUMP!! Then a pause, then a whack, thud, then a THUMP!!! A pause, and a whack, thud. Sadie was still asleep, and the cats were on my bed, so I was not sure what I was hearing. I peeked out the window and could see nothing, then 3 cats flew off the bed and ran down the hall. I was right after them, wondering what the hell was happening. THUMP! Whack, thud just as we all got into the office, Loki was immediately in the window followed by chitters. I waited, as I saw the suet feeder swinging wildly in it's chain.
Suddenly, THUMP!! And Lola was hanging on the window screen right in front of us. Drove the cats NUTS! She seemed to know that the window would protect here from the cats that were 2 inches from her face. She then leaped over to the suet feeder and hung there swinging and eating until she worked a sunflower seed out of the suet, then whack Thud as she leaped down to the plywood and the feeder whacked the window.
I was so excited!! She was so close. The suet feeders are all empty, so I got my tush busy rendering suet and making blocks to fill the feeders again. Now I have them all in the freezer getting really hard, and tomorrow I will refill all the baskets. It is after all Christmas, and the critters have to eat too.

I finished getting all of my Christmas cards made, and the out of country ones addressed. I thought I was being smart and making them smaller so they would fit in a smaller envelope, but there are none to be had right now. Evidently everyone else had the same thought. So you are all getting your cards in a big envelope!! Ah well. At least that is done. Tomorrow I will head to the post Office and get the no lick 'em Christmas stamps and get them all in the mail. Then tomorrow night the USA ones will be addressed and mailed on Wednesday. Whew.
I still need to get my tree, and get busy decorating!
I fell asleep under my spiffy new electric blanket, (OOPS, now called a WARMING blanket.) this afternoon. I was cold, and sleepy so I laid down to nap until Dr. Phil came on, which was an hour later, and slept until 600!! It felt so good to be warm clear through. I have not been able to get warm. My feet are freezing all the time, and I am dressed in sweaters and socks and curled under the afghan, and still not warm. This afternoon I did, and so did 1 dog, and four cats. I am going to have to remember to turn on both sides of the blanket though, because they were all on my side.
Maybe I will luck out and sleep all night tonight....Or at least until the critters hit the house again tomorrow...
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