my town...
This is a picture of my own little town, that is handpainted by myself. It is not l because I want to wait until the other 16 pieces are done so I can light them all at once. THe Tree, my mother made, I LOVE it. And she made the tree skirt too. (Look familiar anyone ;) )
I got up yesterday and after blogwalking some I decided that I had to get cracking on making the rest of my cards. So now all are sent except for in town ones. I know that some in Europe have received them already. Be on the lookout for them. (everybody but DAVID, because he wont tell his address.) As I was sitting at the table looking out on the wintery white frosty world, I thought I needed Christmas Music, so I got out my John Denver Christmas albums, and the CHristmas cd's that my daughter made for me one year, and of course Harry Connick Jr. and Neil Diamond, and I sung my little heart out. John Dever has a range that makey perfect for me to sing to. I have a very low voice, and can not sing many ALto parts. TOo high. But John does it just right. And Karen Carpenter too, even though I have none of her albums. So I sang, drank good coffee, and made Christmas cards.
The cats just look at me like I am some weird being, but Sadie knows! She pointed her little muzzle straight up and puckered her little mouth and sang right along with me. I just love that....It is so funny!!!! SO after 4 hours of sing-a-long I finished my cards, except for a few special ones, and will get them in the mail TOmorrow.
I put a roast on to cook, and sat in my chair to watch TV Christmas Movies. I eat them all up. Every single one. I just LOVE Christmas. THe smells, the cinnamon, the nutmeg, the spices, the baking cookies, the fire, the lights, I lOVE the lights, the feeling in the air, from EVERYONE. The one thing I really hate is being so damned BROKE! no money for store bought gifts, so I am making a little something for each of the family, and NO STOCKINGS this year either. Ah well, there is always next year.
THe sun came over the top about 815 this morning, and it was gorgeous!! the light hitting the few clods off to the east and turning them pink. THen just as quickly it was gone. We have had the driest December! Cold and foggy, but no rain, no snow, to speak of. Just COLD it was 18 this morning about 430. Rain should be coming in tomorrow and turn it all to mush! When the Pineapple Express comes in from Hawaii, it is laden with warm wet air, which hits the Olympic Mtns and dumps it all right here on Puget Sound. We save some for Blogeois around the Portland area, and we send the rest on East to Leslie, and Kat, and Ellen. ANd Lost and Joan, and sometimes we send it to the midwest. So expect a White Christmas you all, All we get is wet ones.
Bob brought Rum and Brandy over last night, so Today I get to make FRUITCAKE!!! I am trying several recipes, and will let you know which one I like best.
On to Christmas Movies again today...ya'll have fun!!
WAVING AT CAITLIN!!!!!!!!!! Hey, Ya want me to knit you a cute little cap to keep your head warm? Let me know, I will.
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