I am wishing that all of you will have a happy and safe Christmas. I have a few things left to do here, mainly cleaning, and then Bob will come over, and watch TV and at 9:00 I will go over to Phyllis' for family time. TOmorrow I am cooking a 15 pound Rib Roast! I make the BEST Prime Rib Roast...Phyllis bought it this year, and she bought a big one. I asked her why so big, and she actually growled at me. BECAUSE I WANT SOME LEFT OVERS!! oh.
Neither of my kids will be here for Christmas. DOnna has decided that it is too phony, so she is not celebrating Christmas this year. No tree, no presents, no cooking, no family, nothing. Tim is stuck on Orcas Island, and won't be here either. He only lives 45 miles away, but to get there you have to take a very crowded ferry full of tourists getting away from it all. ANd during the holidays it is nearly impossible for him to get off island and then be assured of a spot on a return trip! SO he stays there, and might call.
This is the very first year that I have not bought 1 christmas present. I made all of my simple little gifts with things left over in my craft boxes. THey are cute, and 100 years ago would have been perfect for Christmas, Now a days, they are hokey. But it is the thought that counts.
I will write more about Christmas later, right now, I have a fruitcake kitchen to clean up. and 2 rooms to vaccuum. and a catbox to change, and a bunny to feed. Gotta get busy....
Stay Safe and be happy...remember it is not the # of gifts, it is the quality of the love that is important.
Somehow all the Haloscan comments are down. So I can't see that you all were here! >:(
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