short post today...I was up most of last night with a hell of a toothache. Started out in my bottom jaw, then went to my whole side of my right face. (as if I had a LEFT or WRONG face LOLOL) then it localized right under my latest crown. THROB, THROB, THROB! PAIN HURT OWWWIE!!! I called the dentist and left a message on his machine, so this Morning at 8AM Krista called and said get in here. So off I trundle to the Dentist in Oak Harbor, to wait while she squeezed me in. I seem to have an infection under my crown now, and the tooth has died, so tomorrow I go back again for a root-canal. Merry Christmas Mary Lou!! Shit! I was hoping to be able to wait until after income tax returns came in. Ah well. On the way home I stopped at the drug store for anti=biotics and tylenol 3, and then headed home. Christmas music was playing on 106.9FM so I of course was singing along. Then Handel's MESSIAH came on, so I started to whistle. Did YOU know that it is impossible to whistle with one side of your face numb? It is! Trust me on this! Well the novacaine is starting to wear off, so I better go take a pill. I hate to, but I will.
Oh WAIT!! I have a pint of Meyers dark rum and a pint of Christian Bros Brandy sitting on the counter waiting for fruitcake, don't you think a toothache deserves it MORE? LOLOLOL SEE ya!! Whoot!!!
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