Happy Halloween
I am not kidding but it took me 30 freaking minutes of connecting re connecting getting disconnected etc just to get to this point in my post tonight. I HATE THIS CRAP DIAL-UP!!!! HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT! Everytime it rains it goes wonky. I have had the Telephone company come out and replace the line to the tune of 95.00 and it STILL does not work right. I HATE IT!
We have hit a major glitch in the PLANT tonight. The maker of the plants said he was done and left us with the pods, but the 4th pod HAS to have a base under it, for the people that are getting eaten to drop into and then crawl out the back. That was not done. So all night tonight while I was finalizing and rechecking cues, the cast was all on stage trying to finish the plant, and figure out how it will have to work. EEK!! All it needs is a light wood frame in the shape of a box, with material stapled around the sides then the pod could rest on the boxframe, the puppeteer could then back down, and move over while the POD "eats" the victim! The victim could then crawl out the back, and voila!! Hopefully Rusty can get ahold of the plant maker, and he can get it built tomorrow, we have an audience tomorrow night!
We have had a cold snap, and finally have termination dust on the tops of our mountains, for sure!! 6" of snow on Stevens Pass!! The ski resort operators are jumping for joy, as last year there was NO SNOW!!
I even turned on my heater here in the office, but I can not build a fire until tomorrow. Just my way of conservation. I put on socks and sweaters and extra blankets, and wait until November 1! SO tomorrow, I can build one, but probably will not. Almost all of the leaves are off of the Maple tree out front. THe Alders still have a ways to go, but with the storms that are marching across the pacific, it wont be long now.
I hope you all had a great Halloween and are now getting ready for Christmas. Us "mericans" are preparing for Our Thanksgiving, and then we will be full bore for Christmas. GOlly time sure goes by fast any more doesnt it. It seems like it was just yesterday I was trying to change my blog to spiff it up for Christmas last year!! 2 more months and I will be 60!!! AAAARRRRGHHHHH!!!! Scary thoughts!!!
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