Monday, October 03, 2005

places to see...

Several years ago, right after my daughter came to stay with me while job-hunting, I started peeking at a blog she read daily. It was called Textism. Now I have no clue what he actually wrote about because it was ll way over my head, I think he writting software or something, but it did not matter, I did not read him. I came to look at the Daily Oliver icon on his page. Oliver is his weimaraner. Oliver is world famous...came about because he won an award for a daily pet blog, and Oliver is way too cool!

Oliver has his picture taken every single day. And a new picture is posted. EVERY day. I clicked on it just for the damned dog. SUddenly there was nothing. a blank page. I would go back every so often and check again, but no more Oliver. As I was going through my folder labeled BLOGS I DONT READ ANYMORE, I saw Oliver listed and thought I would try again. VOILA!!! THere was Oliver again. Only this time it is JUST Oliver. (And Hugo more on Hugo later) His picture is big now no longer a teeny little icon, and under it there is room to comment. People do, but the way they comment is to devise captions for the daily picture. You all have GOT to go see Oliver.

Oliver lives with his Daddy and his Mommy (who also has a blog called Open Brackets) and a brother named Hugo who came into Olivers world about 2 years ago. They all live happily in a little old vineyard in France somewhere, don't know where. And now Hugo is getting into the act. You cant tell them apart now, except for the color of the collar if you can see it.

Go on hop over to France and have a peek. click on the arrows at the top of the page above the daily picture and you can go back and read some of the past pictures comments...THey are entertainment in themselves!!!

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