Thursday, September 23, 2004

September Sunsets

Posted by Hello

This time of the year brings forth some of the most spectacular sunsets anywhere in the world. The light from the setting sun changes at this time of the year, and is getting lower in the atmosphere, and shining through the few clouds and turning the sky either orange or purple or mauve. Sometimes it is all of the above.

Today I woke up and it felt like it was early morning, because the sky was so dark, and foggy. It dripped rain all day long. I had to go into the playhouse tonite and on the way back, it was just starting to get dark. The fog was filling in the low spots in the meadows, and slithering across the road, just below headlite height. What I noticed though was the fact that in the 2 hours I was there, the sky cleared to the west, and there was nary a cloud in the sky. THe sun was right there, shining into my eyes. It had not quite gotten to the water yet. The sky was Golden.

The sun quickly sank with a hissssss into the Sound, and then the fog really showed up. As I drove around the edge of the water in San de Fuca, I saw the moon hovering over Coupeville. It is almost a half moon, and the light from it was painting a silver path right across Penn COve, so I had the Sunset on my Right, and the Moon rise on my left. The water was so calm, it mirrored the lights from both heavenly bodies, and it looked almost magical.

I got home and sat on the deck while I grilled the small steaks that Donna had marinating, and just stared up at the stars. The air was so cold that I could see my breath, and the lid of the grill was steaming. I sat there wondering just when the Aurora was going to start showing up, and then I remembered last year. I spose I had better get some sand to keep by the door huh?

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