Thursday, April 24, 2003

WHOO-HOO!!!! I Have MONEY!!!!! My VSIP finally reached me via FED-EX. BUT along with this was a note saying that my retirement check was sent to AFCU. It has not shown up yet!! (BIG SIGH HERE) I will be so glad when I get on a regular schedule and know Exactly what I will have to live on a month. At least I will know that all of my credit cards are now paid off!!! and the nasty Credit Collectors can GET OFF MY BACK AND GO TO HELL!!! AND I HOPE THEY ALL HAVE TO GO THROUGH WHAT I HAVE THE PAST 9 MONTHS!!! I hope they all suffer from depression, or warts, or syphillis or incontenance, or something equally as horrible. Not the nice ones, the ones who understood, but the NASTY ones, AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! POX ON YOU!!!!! I feel sooo much better....

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