Monday, April 07, 2003

Went to see Errant Son today. He looks good, and was actually glad to see me. No other visitors, so he had to talk to Mom. the 20 minutes really went quite fast. I sure hope he gets his act together and starts making something of his life!! He had shaved his head, so the crappy hair cut was gone. Looks rather good. I at least know that he is clean, and warm and fed, and safe. Now I just wish I knew that he was SMART.

Bea bunny tried out her new harness again today. It is waaay too big for her, so I need to go back and get the one for ferrets until she grows into her bunny one. She can wiggle out of the bunny one much too easily. I had her out in the she loved the grass and clover. I kept her in the house today, and she went right up to the cats, no problem there, as long as I was around. I wont risk it alone though, she would be LUNCH in a heartbeat. Her fur is getting very long. I am sposed to cut her fur every 4 months. Hmmmm wonder how much you can get for bunny fur? it is a good 4" long. Might make a good pair of mittens.

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