Thursday, October 14, 2004

Scare Tactics

Well It seems that the US Senate had a Terrorism debrief the other day, about the threats that MAY be Creditable in and around the Capitol in and around Election Day. Because of that Debrief, the good Senator from Minnesota, after leaving the meeting, went straight to his office and told his staff to go home until after the elections, as he did not want anyone getting hurt.

While on the surface this seems to be a nice thing to do, I find it extremely unsettling that our LEADERS are leaving the nest and running for cover. Now I dont even remember this dudes name, nor which party he is from, but I do not think it should make a difference.

We have been told that in order for Al Quaeda (?) to win, they have to scare the American people so badly that they will interupt their way of life. This Senator, just told them they won!

I can not believe this! I want to believe that nothing has changed. I want to believe that there are no threats any more. I am not that naive.

I will however continue to life my life normally. unafraid, but more aware of my surroundings. I will not panic, I will not refuse to take the bridge or the ferries, I will not run and hide every time that I see a man with olive skin and a turban, and I will not vote for any Senator that sends that message. I wish I lived in Minnesota, he would be GONE!!!

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