Sunday, October 17, 2004

Busy Weekend

I woke up yesterday morning flat on my back, with my arms and legs splayed out all over the bed. I layed there for a minute with my eyes closed, and realized that I did not hurt ANYWHERE. My first thought was WOW, how cool is this? My second thought was OHMIGAWD! I must be dead!!! About that time I heard DOnna connect on the computer, and thought Well, I might as well just lay here, she'll be on for awhile. So I just did not move, It felt so good to not hurt! I went back to sleep for about 15 minutes and woke up with Loki licking my face and purring. Sadie was still asleep, I was comfortable, DOnna was on the computer, and Loki was giving me lovin' What a great morning.

After I finally hauled my sorry carcass out of bed, and got dressed, I fixed a cup of coffee and kicked Donna off, came in here to blogwalk, and in walked Bob. Ok. No computer time today.

Bob has decided that we will get the house done by Thanksgiving. (WHA.....????) Now mind you, he does not live here, I did not ask him to hurry this along, but he has set a deadline. COOL!!! We went down yesterday and ordered the baseboards for the floors, got the paint for the ceiling, (wanted to get the paint for the walls, but the PX was out of it, so I will get that today at ACE. DOnna has informed me that she LOVES to paint. (since when? the trim has needed finishing outside for 5 years!) So with both DOnna and Bob on board, I just may have a finished house by Christmas.

I am not counting on anything though, You see, Bob has been building his house for the 21 years we have known each other. He is living in it, but it is still not finished. Never will Be. His garden and Chicken coop is still not finished, and the owls are slowly weeding down his chickens, from the original 12 to 8. When they are gone, he will not replace them, I know him. Too much work. So why all of a sudden does he have this urge to get my floors finished? I have not harped, whined, begged, or complained about it. We put the floor down almost three years ago, whats the hurry. (rolls eyes here)

I came home and worked on a project for the playhouse, And then went to bed. It was a full day. The whole time I am working I am thinking of what I should write about in my blog. I have several projects in the works, but they all are going to require some more tweaking yet before I publish. I am sorry folks, but today as Special K says you get BEANS....ya want a hamhock in them?

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