Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Don't you just HATE having to come up with a title everyday? I know, I can turn it off...but sometimes I want one.

I have a bird in the woods, that screams...at night...sounds like a woman, and no it is not a peacock. I THINK it is a barred Owl. because right after you hear the banshee scream, the barred owl starts it's call. Now this particular scream starts with a kinda of low throaty bark, then a loud SCREECH! this goes on for a few minutes. It brings you right awake really fast, because it does at f irst sound just like a woman.

About 645 this morning, the thing started in. Well, that started Sadie off. She wanted our of her pen in the bathroom, and she wanted that bird! she barked and she yelled, and she tried to jump out, but It was not time to go out yet, and If I had let her up, she would have waked up the whole neighborhood!! (not that any were still asleep after the bird) The bird had to know that he was creating a problem inside the house, because he moved to the peach tree and kept it right up! It was still very dark out, and I could not get a glimpse of it.

Sadie finally made it out of the pen, and Donna shooed her out, and she hit the grass about 15 feet off the porch. A flying leap, and she was barking as she hit the ground. She succeeded in chasing the bird away. Then it switched to its
'who-cooks-for-you-ahhh' call, and she kept on barking at it.

I wish I could see this dern bird, so I could identify it. I KNOW that the barred owl gives the call I typed up there, but in all the bird books and in all the sound bites I have bookmarked, there is nothing like the noise I hear at night. My brother who lives about 1/4 mile away, hears it in his woods too. He is the one that calls it a banshee. The books all say they can emit a low barking sound. Well they have not heard my bird!!

I heard Lola in the woods yesterday, but she has not been back in the yard or on the feeder tray in almost 6 months now. I miss her. I have Leslie's backyard on my desktop, and everytime I turn on the puter, I see her black squirrel with the long tail and wished that Lola would learn that she does not need to worry about Sadie, She is faster, and can climb where Sadie can not.

I got a call from the Tax man yesterday. I filed an extention because I had the SS# on all of my W-2's wrong. So I called and got the correct ones, and forgot to file!!! Totally spaced it! Im surprised the IRS has not been here with handcuffs, to lock up my sorry ass. Oh WAIT! They owe ME money! heheheh....

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