Tuesday, June 08, 2004


It is so hard not to mother your Adult Children. I expected to have to change the dressings on his incision, but he is doing it by himself. He cooks, he cleans the kitchen, he gets after me for being such a slob.

He is doing really well, walking with out the cane for the first time since the accident. His hematoma drained beautifully and most of the bruising is now gone. He can lay on that side, and is almost pain free. His incision still stings, but it will for awhile. I am now encouraging him to get up and move around, so we can see just how much he can tolerate.

Now he needs to call his boss and tell him when He can get back to work. He still has no place to live, no money, no car, but he is insisting that he go back to that island and get back to work. I pointed out that he could probably find work here, and stay here until He could find a place, but that is not an option. I am soooo afraid that his boss will say "Sorry we needed you then, not now" I pray every night that he sees the light and can start his life over and on the right track.

I can not tell you when the last time I both of my children living with me at the same time. It has to be close to 15 years! Needless to say I am trying to stay out of the way and let him heal at his own pace, but it is really hard!! once a Mother always a Mother.

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