Tuesday, July 06, 2004


I woke up this morning to the sounds of the trees gulping in great big gulps, the moisture that has finally arrived! It is raining big slow drops, and in the leaves, the birds are having a field day jumping from branch to branch, taking their long awaited shower. They are all out, wet feathers sticking up like little indian bonnets, chirping and ruffling their feathers to make sure the wetness gets down to their skin!

I looked out over the top of the window sill, and ther in the pouring rain, with her tail held over her head like a furry umbrella was Lola!! stuffing her face with wet sunflower seeds. Sadie was doing her usual tap dance wanting out, so I put her out, and watched as she ran out into the rain, did her pottie really quickly and bounced back to the door.

The mist is forming it's blanket in the trees, and laying low over the roof tops. The ships down on the water are blaring their fog horns, telling everybody in their way that they are there, and to also discover where the land lays. BOOOOOOP! Boop Boop!

This has been a long anticipated wait for the moisture that we need so badly. It is cooler about 55 degrees F, and the rain brings the comforting cool breeze!

Last night on the news, they were talking about how dry the plants were, the moisture level in them lower than ever before in history. Fire season has started and already the Eastern side of the state has several large fires burning.

The West side is now releived, but It is doubtful that this moisture will make it to the Other side of the Mountains. It usually drops it all on this side of the Cascades, and leaves the Eastern half of the state dry and fire prone.

I hope it continues to fall, but some how I doubt that it will. Pity. We need it so badly, to keep the trees green and the tourists away!

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